Most existing approaches for solving the distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) problem\nfocus on specific security mechanisms, for example, network intrusion detection system (NIDS)\ndetection and firewall configuration, rather than on the packet routing approaches to defend\nDDoS threats by new flow management techniques. To defend against DDoS attacks, the present\nstudy proposes a modified particle swarm optimization (PSO) scheme based on an IP traceback\n(IPTBK) technique, designated as PSO-IPTBK, to solve the IP traceback problem. Specifically, this\nwork focuses on analyzing the detection of DDoS attacks to predict the possible attack routes in a\ndistributed network. In the proposed approach, the PSO-IPTBK identifies the source of DDoS\nattacks by reconstructing the probable attack routes from collected network packets. The\nperformance of the PSO-IPTBK algorithm in reconstructing the attack route was investigated\nthrough a series of simulations using OMNeT++ 5.5.1 and the INET 4 Framework. The results\nshow that the proposed scheme can determine the most possible route between the attackers and\nthe victim to defend DDoS attacks.